
My video talks about how I believe I was possessed (video)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105

Taking my previous blog post to the next step and making a video about it, I hope people will share it to help someone out there who may have experienced some of the things that I have.

This first video scratches the surface of what I have gone through in the past few decades of life.

It is a terrible story, and the first of many in a book I am writing to show how I believe my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was my way out, my way out of being possibly possessed by demons.

I believe that many people suffer from strange imaginings, spiritual voices and powers that they can’t see that harm them and the reason I am writing this book is so that people understand that demons are real, and that God can help them.

Also, since I have a background in working and teaching in mental health and social work, my hope is to open the door to professionals in the field who have no understanding of the spiritual entities, both good and bad, that exist in our world today.

This may help some understand their patients and clients.

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