
Quick post about ‘X’ (Twitter) today

X is getting less free speech friendly. Below is a new error message blocking me from posting my comment in regards to Elon Musk’s claiming “everything is open source and criticism is always welcome” re their community notes, but we know criticism gets you blocked by Elon Musk, such as with Catturd and James Woods who complained about the blocking function being taken away that EM posted about. Catturd’s engagement went down 60% all of a sudden after EM blocked him. From today I got a message prohibiting me from commenting directly on EM’s post and then reposting it: https://twitter.com/TheBellevueZone/status/1694403109261631906

Photos below.

Free Speech is so very important and in this election cycle for President of the United States, these tactics on X should be seen as election interference as tactics used there even today will also throttle Christian and conservative posts.

If Elon Musk blocks you, then your reach and engagement will dramatically tank. Your voice will no longer be seen by many users but will be throttled down, even by 60%, of users who would normally see what you post.

Someone commented that Elon Musk is trying to move everyone toward the center politically but that will compromise people’s free speech. It will also be the thought police unleashed on X and it probably has been unleashed already.

Note that conservative content creators who want to make a living as content creators would then have a huge loss of income if this behavior by X continues. It seems the trend on X is moving that way.

So much for Free Speech on X. You now can’t trust what Elon Musk says. The sad truth is that those days are over.

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