
Netflix Cancelled

I finally cancelled my Netflix account today over the “Cuties” movie.

Netflix is owned by leftist’s that are free to do what they want as long as it is legal, but there are concerns about the legalities of using 11-year old’s in this manner which I too, agree with.

People with conscience’s have been speaking out about this movie as going over the line of decency.

It is good to know that many, many of their viewers have cancelled their memberships and Netflix’s stock has fallen.

We have made our voices heard, loud and clear.

In case you’d like to sign a petition to remove Cuties from Netflix, it is here:

Petition to Remove Cuties From Netflix & Charge Them with Distribution & Exploiting Minors

3 thoughts on “Netflix Cancelled”

  1. Hi Suzanne, yes Netflix took a big dive. We also boycotted Netflix when they were going to play a movie about a gay Jesus awhile back. How horrible! Hope you yourself are doing well. God bless. 😊


    1. Hi Rick, sorry I’m so late to answer. I am now on Amazon watching their streaming but they do have bad content. I’m glad Newflix lost customers. They have to get the message. We don’t want that stuff!

      Hope you are doing well also. Blessings!


      1. Thanks for replying. Yes I agree. I’ve been out of sorts lately so haven’t been on the ball in responding to your blogs. Hope everything is well with you sister . God bless you forever! 🙂


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