
A fundraiser for a connection on LinkedIn who has multiple sclerosis

Got my neurodivergent brain cup

❤️  Got my neurodivergent brain cup through Bogdan Lapadat SPHR‘s store! Get yours! I love it! 😄 ❤️
Link to the fundraiser; Be a hero today!

Styrofoam protected

Occasionally I donate to a gofundme campaign if it’s for someone I know or if a friend asks me to support someone they know.

Recently I learned that one of my connections on LinkedIn named Bogdan Lapadat, has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and learned about his story, from reading his LinkedIn profile.

This whole situation is heartbreaking due to his having worked in the Human Resources field for a long time, but now he’s unable to work. He has to travel regularly to Mexico for treatment, paid out-of-pocket. Since he doesn’t work there is no insurance to pay for this.

This is a nice guy, a very nice young guy who has a store to help raise money he can use toward paying for his treatments. In case you’re interested, it’s found here.

When you go to the link at you will see the very cup I bought that arrived today in the mail. I love it! It’s heavy, big and creative!

It was packed in a nice styrofoam box so was well-protected.

If you have a chance and want a cup to support Bogdan, or you want to buy a t-shirt, beanie or other creative item, you will be supporting Bogdan. He’s on LinkedIn.

Let’s bless others where we can. We can do a lot in this world, blessings to all of you!

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