
As a child I had no idea what was being said in church, some social media posts.

Here are some of the posts I posted to social media. I feel it’s time to let my followers know that I am a Christian, that I would like Jesus in our social media conversations more often, because like I have written in a few of my posts below, I had a skewed view of what Jesus was about. I really think Christians should educate the public in nice ways why they should know Jesus and carry the message of why Jesus died on the cross and what that meant.

My goal is to post more about Jesus Christ and why he died. Why people need him in their lives and that he is alive and well up in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father who is our Creator.

As I child growing up in an atheist family I was taught that people needed God as a crutch and that couldn’t be further than the truth. We are getting closer to the rapture every day and we shouldn’t go each day without sharing the Good News about the Lord. 

Help me spread the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ and you may use some of my posts below and edit them if you’d like the words to say on your social media.

Thank you and God bless you!

I couldn’t understand as a child when I was taken to church by a friend: Jesus died on the cross allowing us to call upon His name for redemption. Thru Him, we’re presented to the Father, ensuring eternal life in heaven instead of our souls enduring separation from God.

Eternal life means more than just “forever.” In the Bible, it’s portrayed positively, as a quality of life that begins on earth and continues in heaven (Romans 6:4). It’s a journey beyond this life, a continuation rather than an end.



What was never explained to me: In Christianity, salvation means being saved from sin and its consequences (like death and separation from God) through Christ’s death, resurrection, and the justification it brings.




Watered-Down Christianity Is Fake “Christianity”

I’m still reading John MacArthur’s Charismatic Chaos, and find it a wonderfully written explanation of what has been happening in the church’s sliding down the slippery slope of a “spiritual-free-for-all”.

He writes;

A longing for something new and esoteric has replaced historic Christianity’s settled confidence in the Word of God–and that is an invitation to Satan’s counterfeit.  Confusion, error, and even satanic deception are the inescapable results. – John MacArthur, Charismatic Chaos

The Bible is a record of what the Lord has left for us to find our way as Christians, and that by reading it our minds will be renewed.  We hold his Word dear to our hearts because we know our lives need his Word to bring us in close communication with God.  They are his words.  They should not be added to or taken away from.

Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar. – Proverbs 30:6

The Bible was given to us so that we know who Jesus was, what he taught, and what he expects of us as Christians to know and what we should behave like.  The Bible tells us how the world started, who God is, and how the world will end as well as what will happen to Christians after we die.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. – Matthew 24:35

Nowhere are we taught that we should hear the words of the Lord while we are on the earth today because further instruction is not needed.  We know God through his Word and communicate to him in our prayers and expressions of gratitude and love for him.

As John MacArthur wrote;

Charismatics have abandoned the uniqueness of Scripture as the only Word of God, and the result if a spiritual free-for-all. 

The church has become a watered-down free-for-all where all people are welcome, yet none are saved.  They only want the experience and to pretend that they know and love God.  But do they really?


Ramblings About Transgenderism. Why I Cannot Be A Counselor And Be A Christian At The Same Time: An Example

Someone wrote on their blog recently that they felt “dehumanized” because they were a transgender who said they were a Christian.  Someone had criticized transgendered people and it didn’t feel fair to this person.  They felt criticized as a person and took it personally as a person who had a change in their identity. 

The bible talks about sin.  Sin is sin.  Transgenderism is an unfortunate malfunction, somehow, of humans.  

Our DNA is usually male or female; transgenderism is a human form of changing identity, but not the DNA.  They are born male or female, that’s what God ordained, not transgenderism.  Transgenderism, maybe a wish to be the opposite sex of what they were born to be, is a mental illness to me.  That is what is wrong with society.  Society changes with social norms that change over time.  Remember the sexual revolution of the 60’s and 70’s?

Social norms doesn’t make it right.  Mutilation of the body in an effort to make a person another sex displays someone who is mentally deranged, who wants to make themselves into a new person.  Not the one they were born to be as, from birth on in their lives.

Trying to change the sex of a human being is not normal.  It is unbiblical.  What did Jesus teach?

He taught the words of the Father in heaven who did not speak about changing the body so you’re a male if born female, and vice-versa.  

Where in the bible does it talk about that?

Same with homosexuality; it’s throughout the Old Testament.

Do not lie with the same sex, is what it talks about, and how that’s sin.

Do we let changing sexual norms change what is right?

We men meant to be women, and women meant to be men?

The answer is no, of course.

The blogger who said they were transgender and a Christian, doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.

And really, what are they trying to be?  A he who is also a she?  Or the other way around?

I’m just asking.

This transgendered “Christian” did not keep with the bible that did not say anyone was supposed to change their “gender”.  Transgendered people do not change their DNA that designates us as being male or female.  They change their bodies in cosmetic ways, pretending as if they were someone or something else than that which they were born to be.

Is it for man to change what his sexual designation is, to mutilate themselves physically, morally and sexually?  Or is it God’s designation that He made some mistakes, and people are not born into the right sexual category?  How can God make mistakes?

He never taught that we were supposed to be male or female, only that Adam and Eve started the whole human race.  Sometimes people forget that.  They are self-reliant, owning their own fleshly minds; not knowing enough or understanding the mind of God, their Creator.

Not all are saved, and not all transgendered people are saved.  Just because you’re a transgendered person does not make you God’s child.  He is the Creator of the human race and the DNA He put into our bodies, but saving yourself from sin is not how it works.  We don’t get to dictate if we are saved.

Being saved from sin is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He died on the cross to erase all the sin in the world for those he chooses to “save”; he died on the cross for those of us who acknowledge our sin and believe on his work on the cross.  Jesus is the Savior.  Man did not save himself from all sin; Jesus did that in one fell swoop on the cross by dying that day.

Then he rose again, as we’ve studied in the bible.

But does the transgendered people know that?  They seem not to.

Creating a bible that welcomes all sin is wrong.  It is not the bible.  It’s is someone’s version of it.  It did not get written by men inspired by God Himself to write it.  Men in churches who welcome all sinners who live in sin are creating a death pit; they do not stand out as saying all sin is wrong.  Sin is sin.

The ways of man are sinful and we have a sinful nature now that mankind “fell” when Adam and Eve took a bite out of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.  They knew the sin and had their eyes and minds open to the sinful ways that man since then has suffered through.

We need a Savior.  That man is Jesus.