
Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n Roll vs. Godly Lives

I’ve learned a lot lately, how Pastors are changing things.  I’ve written before about how I cannot stand what has happened in the churches, having manifestations of strange ideas, looking for miracles, signs, and wonders.

It’s as if God himself were taking a back seat to all the shenanigans.

I can see how new pastors who have studied under these mega church pastors want the same things they have; large attendances, lots of rock-band singing of those Christian songs, and who build excitement in their memberships.  All you need is a pastor’s stage-diving into his audience to “crowd surf” to really enjoy a church rock band.

Well, this is what it’s turning into.  Maybe a “safe space” will be provided in a back room where people can smoke a joint and “decompress”, knowing they are in a safe place and can talk about their issues with an understanding counselor.

It reminds me of what the world was once, turning into a grand human experiment, with no rules to abide by.  Hang out, drop in and play your guitar.  What a sense of community with guitar-laden, cool people to sit down with for a cup of coffee, talk Jesus and perform miracles.

After all, what is church about but to “be cool with your brothers and sisters in Christ”, accepting everything one does, never teaching wrong from right and acceptance is key.  It sounds like a liberal party.

In his Charismatic Chaos, John MacArthur quotes Dewey Beegle, from The Inspiration of Scripture (1963):

“What distinguishes the Bible is its record of special revelation, not a distinctive kind of inspiration.” 

This goes against those who want to change the bible’s specialness from how to live Godly lives and understanding how obedience to Jesus is practiced, to what is good is what makes one feel good and all are welcome, any behaviors will be tolerated, that “Jesus loves all” and so we should too.

Jesus taught right from wrong, what was special about his Father’s words.   That he is the Son of the One True God and that people should worship Him; and not those guitars and music that talk about sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.  

A better life is waiting for us and we should thank the Lord every day for the possibility of being with Christ Jesus for eternity.  We should leave ungodly lives behind.

8 thoughts on “Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n Roll vs. Godly Lives”

      1. Not wanting to sound two-sided, the church needs to be recognized for the good it has accomplished in the past and is still working in the world today.

        I do not wish to throw the baby out with the bath water. -Jeff

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      2. Church goers do good; that’s true. That’s not a bad thing to do, but my feeling is that if you’re helping those who are new to our Christian beliefs they have to hear the true word. It’s getting contaminated in the churches. I hope they don’t throw the baby out and can turn it around; at least in some of these churches by starting their own.

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  1. If I were to speak about the institutional churches, those who go by various denominations I honestly think the percentage of true born again believers might be under 5 or 10%. Sure many denominations even cults do good things, the Mormons, the J.. Witness, Catholics and others. The Lord only has His eye on His own, His elect. Many are leaving the Christian denominational churches as well and having smaller fellowships. The goats have infiltrated the churches, have become leaders and now we are seeing all manner of worldlinhess creeping in and has already manifested. We have come to a time where the true fellowship of believers are gathering elsewhere. Our Heavenly Father has saved us through Christ, justification and now commands us to be separate from the world, sanctification. The Holy Spirit will not suffer His own to remain in the world. It would take a number of born again Christians to challenge these false teachers within that assembly and to restore biblical instruction and I’m sure it has happened because we know some pastors get the boot for certain offenses. The Lutheran’s as we know has divided and we at least see some are standing up for the truth which I am thankful for.

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  2. You’re right tearick. So many pastors today can’t fill enough pews to make them happy so they sell the congregation short by “watering down” the bible. Churches aren’t for the worldy; they are for true Christians to worship together.

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